
2017年10月25日—Doingsomeresearch,topcommanddoesn'tshowkernelprocesses.thisappearstobewhythehighCPUusageonlyshowsontheGUI.,2021年11月8日—Hithere,Iamrunninga653-Dwith4x16GB,inaRAID5configuration.TheCPUusageisconstantlyoscillatingbetween30-80%, ...,2017年6月15日—Iamrunning2to3VMsonmy871-i7-16GandtheCPUutilizationisoftenabove60%,regardlessoftheworkloadoftheVMsthemself.,2022年6月24日—Thisprocessmim...

CPU usage near 100% all the time

2017年10月25日 — Doing some research, top command doesn't show kernel processes. this appears to be why the high CPU usage only shows on the GUI.

CPU usage too high

2021年11月8日 — Hi there, I am running a 653-D with 4x16GB, in a RAID 5 configuration. The CPU usage is constantly oscillating between 30-80%, ...

High CPU Utilization by "kernel_processes" when running ...

2017年6月15日 — I am running 2 to 3 VMs on my 871-i7-16G and the CPU utilization is often above 60%, regardless of the workload of the VMs themself.

How to determine if the running process [oom_reaper] is ...

2022年6月24日 — This process mimics a kernel process but its PID is usually greater than 1000. You can check the PID by the procedures below. Run ssh access ...

kernel_processes maxing out CPU usage

2019年3月9日 — Hi guys, I have a TS-451U with 4GB of RAM installed, running the latest firmware. The issue I'm having that prompted me to look into this is ...

QTS 4.3.3 正式版討論區(第9頁)

2017年4月27日 — TS 251 升級過後CPU使用量爆表.... 查看資源監控發現是system processes中的kernel_processes、python在運作 ... 而且非常討厭QNAP一直砍好用的服務原本穩定 ...


QTS. Linux Kernel. Linux Kernel提供系. 統I/O管理、CPU進. 程/執行緒管理、記. 憶體 ... Inter-Process Communication. 程序間的通信,不管理. 任何硬體資源. Network.


2021年4月15日 — What are these kernel processes taking up all my resources? Is there any way to get more info? r/qnap - What are these kernel processes taking ...

為什麼升級到QTS 4.x 後, CPU 使用率會升高?

適用機型: NAS 全系列 回答: 升級到QTS 4.x 後,媒體櫃會自動開始掃描相片、音樂、影片等多媒體檔案,並產生縮圖以供Photo Station,Music Station,及DLNA 多媒體伺服 ...


